OTF Constitution and Standing Orders

The Oceania Tennis Federation is a non-profit making and non-political organization to which membership is open to recognized national tennis associations of Oceania countries and territories without regard to race, colour and creed. The constitution can be accessed here OTF-Constitution-Approved-AGM-13th-March-2022.
Similarly, the OTF Standing Orders – Approved OTF AGM 13th March 2022.

The objectives of the Federation are:-

  1. To develop, promote and raise the standard of Tennis at all levels (men, women, junior, veteran, disabled, social and competitive) throughout the Oceania region.
  2. To promote co-operation and fellowship between countries in the Oceania region, between the Oceania Tennis Federation and the Asian Tennis Federation, and between countries in the Oceania region and the International Tennis Federation (ITF) for the betterment of Tennis in the region.
  3. To develop and, as a result, raise the standard of Tennis administration expertise within each country in the region
  4. To obtain recognition from the ITF, and representation at the ITF Annual General Meeting, as a regional federation.
  5. To encourage full membership of the ITF and participation in Davis/Fed Cups for all countries in the region.
  6. To encourage all members of the Federation to become members of their respective National Olympic Committee.
  7. To maximise grants for the region from Olympic Solidarity and the ITF Development Fund through liaison with the Oceania National Olympic Committees (ONOC) and the ITF, and for the grants to be channelled directly through the national tennis association in each country.
  8.  To use the resources of Tennis Australia and Tennis New Zealand, wherever possible, to assist developing Tennis countries in the region.
  9. To encourage the exchange of Australian and New Zealand players/coaches with those from other Oceania countries on a regular basis.
  10. To help with the accreditation of coaches/umpires from the developing Tennis countries using the Australian and New Zealand accreditation systems, or other internationally recognised systems.
  11. To promote Tennis, in conjunction with members of the Federation, by acquiring property and equipment of any nature by purchase or lease or otherwise,
  12. To enter into any business enterprise, either solely or in partnership, for the benefit of the Federation.
  13. To do all such other lawful things as may be incidental or may be deemed to be conducive to the attainment of any of these objectives.