82 players from 12 Nations in Pacific Oceania took part in the 2019 events in Lautoka, Fiji at the end of July. The first week comprised a teams’ event for 12u national teams’ and individual events for 14u and 16u featuring players who had qualified earlier in the year through their regional tournaments. The regional teams’ events across the three age groups took place over the last three days.

The 12u teams’ events were battled out by 6 girls and 7 boys teams playing full round robin format so all teams played each other. The girls came down to the final tie between Samoa and Kiribati. After splitting the singles, the Kiribati team of Ruth Baantarawa and Lumay Apinelu took the deciding doubles to give Kiribati the title. The boys was also a very close-run event with Guam, Tahiti and Vanuatu all in with a chance of winning going into the final day. In the end Guam beat FSM and Tahiti held out Vanuatu so Guam and Tahiti finished equal on ties won. However, Guam were declared boys’ winners as they beat Tahiti the day before.

The 14u and 16u individual competitions produced some outstanding matches and winners across a wide number of nations. Singles title winners came from Fiji, Vanuatu, French Polynesia (Tahiti) and Tuvalu. All players received at least five singles matches with playoffs for all positions from 1 to 16 held. A knockout doubles was also played but due to losing an entire day due to rain and late starts on several days no consolation doubles could be fitted in.

At the end of the above competition a points system was used to determine the most successful nations. The 2019 title was won by Tahiti (845) with Vanuatu second (509) and Samoa third (499).


1st – Guam Boys                              Jonny Jackson, Ryunosuke Roesch

2nd – Tahiti Boys                              Hiva Kelley, Keanau Lei Foc

3rd – Vanuatu Boys                         Fintan Molaleh, Leo Jung Dupoux

4th – Solomon Island Boys            Justus Pyongil, Junior Kennedy

5th -FSM Boys                                  Charles Ned, Tayshawn Erwin

6th – Tuvalu / NMI Boys                Juncheol Hwang, Peter Ulia

7th – Samoa Boys                            Darius Carruthers, Anthony Chan Tung


1st – Kiribati                                     Ruth Baantarawa, Lumay Apinelu

2nd – Samoa                                    Mahina Warren (Tahiti) Shera Jayjay

3rd – Tahiti                                        Mehta Bookie, Tavern Chung

4th – Fiji                                             Joesphene Grace, Zeta Kumar

5th – Guam                                       Sydney Packbier, Freemont Gibson

6th – FSM                                          Desirae Wolphagen, Louisa Williams

Singles Results for Boys and Girls 14&U


1st                                                      Vaiani Dusserre – Valleaux (Tahiti)

2nd                                                     Roselyn Tupuola (Sam)

3rd                                                      Alicia Addison (Guam)

4th                                                      Moana Une (CI)

5th                                                      Te Akaiti Toa (Cook Islands)

6th                                                      Leilah Etscheit

7th                                                      Hyejin Elliot

8th                                                       Dreena Willie Teapa

9th                                                     Helen Kim

10th                                                   Serin Chung

11th                                                   Charlotte Nicolaus (Fiji)

12th                                                   Ereti Tabekatarawa (Kir)

13th                                                   Emmanuella Masaai (Vanuatu)

14th                                                   Kerry Waita (Sol)

15th                                                   Fazneen Fareen (Fiji)


1st                                                      Maka Ofati (Tuvalu)

2nd                                                     Zachary Sands (Vanuatu)

3rd                                                      Storm Cornish (Fiji)

4th                                                      Noah Molbaleh (Vanuatu)

5th                                                      Maka Maui (CI)

6th                                                      Ariitea Cotti – Helme (Tahiti)

7th                                                      Jones George (FSM)

8th                                                      Noah Ah Kim Chin (TAH)

9th                                                      Jacob Jackson (Guam)

10th                                                     Arikitoa Allsworth (CI)

11th                                                   Anthony Gregoire (NMI)

12th                                                   Arman Schadev (Guam)

13th                                                   David Kwon (NMI)

14th                                                   Daniel Kang (NMI)


1st                                                      Saoirse Breen (Fiji)

2nd                                                     Eleanor Schuster (Samoa)

3rd                                                       Zorika Morgan (Solomon Islands)

4th                                                       Prudence Bird (Solomon Islands)

5th                                                      Penina Kamu (Samoa)

6th                                                      Chrissy Vonge (Tahiti)

7th                                                      Hannah Wright (Norfolk Islands)

8th                                                      Celine Snogan (Tahiti)

9th                                                     Ridianne Wolphagen (FSM)

10th                                                   Anne Skilling (FSM)

11th                                                   Maria Gregoire (NMI)

12th                                                   Joanita Takatavety (Vanuatu)


1st                                                        Clement Mainguy (VAN)

2nd                                                       Jimin Woo (NMI)

3rd                                                       Vaitea Molinier (TAH)

4th                                                       Brendon Fong (TAH)

5th                                                       Manovai Elei (TAH)

6th                                                       Mohearii Polin (TAH)

7th                                                       Sean Lee (NMI)

8th                                                       Junior Micky (SI)

9th                                                       Phillip Warren (SAM)

10th                                                     Sam Cribb (NI)

11th                                                     Nolen Narruhn (FSM)

12th                                                     Aidan Schembari (GUM)

13th                                                     Deavyn Etcheit (FSM)

14th                                                     Torua Boari (KIR)

15th                                                     Sam Ryu (NMI)

16th                                                     Daniel Kumar (FIJ)


The Pacific Oceania Junior Championships (POJC) and the U12 Team Competitions were held at the Regional Training Centre in Lautoka, Fiji in August

In the U12 Team Competition the following 10 Nations were represented:

  • Cook Islands, Fiji, FSM, Guam, Kiribati, New Caledonia, NMI, Samoa, Tahiti, Vanuatu
  • 18 Boys made up 9 Teams
  • 13 girls made up 6 Teams

In the 14/16 U Tournament, there were 55 Players from the following 13 Nations represented

  • Cook Islands, Fiji, FSM, Guam, New Caledonia, NMI, Norfolk Island, Palau, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tahiti, Tuvalu, Vanuatu

The first 4 placings in the respective events were

  • 14&U Boys:

Manovai Elie (Tahiti)

Jimin Woo (NMI)

Meheannu Larsen (TAH)

Storm Cornish (FIJI)

  • 14&U Girls:

Zorika Morgan (SI)

Chrissy Vonge (TAH)

Valani Dusserre-Valleaux (TAH)

Prudence Bird (SI)

  • 16&U Boys:

Robbie Schorr (NMI)

Jeremy Guines (TAH)

Clement Mainguy (VAN)

Mohearii Polin (TAH)

  • 16 &U Girls:

Eleanor Schuster (SAM)

Rosalie Molbaleh (VN)

Saoirse Breen (FIJI)

Lea Lamorelle (TAH)

1st Manovai Elei (Tahiti) 1st Zorika Morgan (Solomon Islands)
2nd Jimin Woo (NMI) 2nd Chrissy Vonge (Tahiti)
3rd Meheannu Larson (Tahiti) 3rd Vaiani Dusserre – Valleaux (Tahiti)
4th Storm Cornish (Fiji) 4th Prudence Bird (Solomon Islands)
5th Seung Jin Paik (NMI) 5th Coume Kaga (NMI)
6th Maka Ofati (Tuvalu) 6th Penina Kamu (Samoa)
7th Terence Winter (New Cal) 7th Te Akaiti Toa (Cook Islands)
8th Ariitea Cotti – Helme (Tahiti) 8th Naomi Sipiti (Vanuatu)
9th Tiago Lopes (New Cal) 9th Ridianne Wolphagen (FSM)
10th Haunui Montas (Tahiti) 10th Charlotte Nicolaus (Fiji)
11th Zachary Sands (Vanuatu) 11th Kaia Malakooti (Guam)
12th Jones George (FSM) 12th Heyjin Elliot (NMI)
13th Noah Molbaleh (Vanuatu) 13th Hannah Wright (Norfolk Islands)
14th Lachlan Guba (Solomon Islands) 14th Ngelittle Silmai (Palau)
15th Deavyn Etcheit (FSM)
16th Nolen Narruhn (FSM)
17th Dakota Gibson (Guam)
1st Robbie Schorr (NMI) 1st Eleanor Schuster (Samoa)
2nd Jeremy Guinnes (Tahiti) 2nd Rosalie Molbaleh (Vanuatu)
3rd Clement Mainguy (Vanuatu) 3rd Saoirse Breen (Fiji)
4th Mohearii Polin (Tahiti) 4th Lea Lamorelle (Tahiti)
5th Sean Lee (NMI) 5th Conatsu Kaga (NMI)
6th Junior Micky (Solomon Islands) 6th Malika Miyawki (NMI)
7th Ken Song (NMI) 7th Chrystal Christman (Samoa)
7th Marshall Zang (Guam) 8th Desiree Signo (Vanuatu)
9th Warea Tigona (Vanuatu) 9th Kajol Chand (Fiji)
10th Phillip Warren (Samoa) 10th Anne Skilling (FSM)
11th Sam Cribb (Norfolk Island) 11th Maria Gregoire (NMI)
12th Joel Riju (Solomon Islands) 12th Luisa Tuasi’I (Samoa)


The 2017 Pacific Oceania Junior Championships were held in Fiji in August, following Regional Qualifying Championships in New Zealand (East), Fiji (West) and Guam (North) earlier in the year. This competition is one of the pinnacle events in our Junior Calendar and leads on to some great opportunities overseas for numerous players with the help of OTF and GSDF funding.

The East Regional Event saw, the Cook Islands, Norfolk Island, Samoa, Tahiti and Tonga compete for places at the POJC. Fiji, Kiribati, Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu played in the West Regional Event and Guam, FSM, NMI and Palau represented at the North Regional Event.

In total, 14 Nations were represented at the POJC in August. Nine players from eight different Nations in the 12&U and 14&U age group, then travelled to Melbourne later in the year to represent Pacific Oceania in teams and individual events at the December Showdown – Australia’s National Junior Championships, based on their results at the POJC. Our Pacific Oceania teams, who spent two weeks in Melbourne with three coaches, Gary Purcell (IRL), Jeff Race (NMI) and Thomas Perrin (FRA) were made up as follows:

  • 14&U Boys:

Chris Maasi (Tonga)

Manovai Elie (Tahiti)

Jimin Woo (NMI)

  • 14&U Girls:

Eleanor Schuster (SAM)

Saoirse Breen (FIJ)

  • 12&U Boys:

Heremana Courte (New Cal)

Maka Maui (Cook Is)

Zachary Sands (VAN)

  • 12&U Girls:

Clara Cwajgenbaum (New Cal)

The Pacific Oceania Junior Championships was a culmination of a circuit of Regional Events held across the Pacific in 2016. The results in the various age groups as follows:

Boy’s 12 Singles Name Country Girl’s 12 Singles Name Country
1st Maui Leflon CAL 1st Saoirse Breen FIJI
2nd Manovai Eli TAH 2nd Jireh Warren ASA
3rd Haunui Montas TAH 3rd Zorika Morgan SI
4th Terence Winter CAL 4th Coume Kaga NMI
5th Armand Davias FIJI 5th Celine Snogan TAH
6th Robin Seelan CAL 6th Kira Fong Loi TAH
7th Jimim Woo NMI 7th Penina Kamu SAM
8th Seun Jin Paik NMI 8th Naomi Sipiti VAN
9th Maheanuu Larson TAH 9th Kaia Malkooti GUM
10th Jerson Freddy FSM 10th Ridianne Wolphagen FSM
11th Zachary Sands VAN 11th Maria Kerslake SAM
12th Noah Molbaleh VAN 12th Hgellitte Simlai PAL
13th Tiago Lopes CAL
14th Storm Cornish FIJI
15th Rafael Tapusoa SAM
16th Corey Duseihneur SAM
Boy’s 14 Singles Name Country Girl’s 14 Singles Name Country
1st Robbie Schorr NMI 1st Eleanor Schuster SAM
2nd Vaitea Molinier TAH 2nd Lea Lamorelle TAH
3rd Kelese Kofe TUV 3rd Rosalie Molballeh VAN
4th Ken Song NMI 4th Asia Raullerson NMI
5th Warea Tigona VAN 5th Contasu Kaga NMI
6th Samuel Strid VAN 6th Malika Miyanaki NM
7th Brendon Fong TAH 7th Kava Taufa TGA
8th Sean Lee NMI 8th Maria Gregore NMI
9th Avikash Kumar FIJI 9th Caroline Mwang KIR
10th Shantanu Shail FIJI 10th Desiree Signo VAN
11th Sigi Palelei TGA 11th Rotuita Karatai KIr
12th John Paul Lim ASA 12th Crystal Christman ASA
Boy’s 16 Singles Name Country Girl’s 16 Singles Name Country
1st Clement Mainguy AN 1st Carol Lee NMI
2nd Larry Magalasan ASA 2nd Vienna Kumar FIJI
3rd Reynold Taaroa TAH 3rd Isabel Heras NMI
4th Graham Mani SOL 4th Naia Guitton TAH
5th Heimanarii Laisan TAH 5th Ruby Coffin FIJI
6th Jeremy Guines TAH 6th Tania Tan NMI
7th Mason Caldwell GUM 7th Daisy Sipiti VAN
8th Marlin Hannam VAN 8th Sunshine Palik FSM
9th Michael Ren NMI 9th Skylawn Palelei TGA
10th Hirinaki Lo TAH 10th Maanaima Tausi SAM
11th Kristen Pavitt SAM
12th Vincent Tudela NMI
13th Camden Camacho GUM
14th Ravneel Chand FIJI

The Pacific Oceania Junior Championships was a culmination of a circuit of Regional Events held across the Pacific in 2015. The East again was the best performed Region with the results in the various age groups as follows:

Boy’s 12 Singles Name Country Points Girl’s 12 Singles Name Country Points
1st Molinier TAH 150 1st Schuster SAM 150
2nd Tigona VAN 100 2nd Breen FIJI 100
3rd P.Warren SAM 75 3rd C. Kaga NMI 75
4th Leflon FIJI 60 4th Tauto TAH 60
5th Manovai TAH 45 5th Morgan SOL 45
6th Cribb NI 40 6th Tutle NMI 40
7th Kofe TUV 35 7th J. Warren ASA 35
8th Leng GUAM 30 8th C. Kaga NMI 30
9th Freddy FSM 25 9th L. Cronin SAM 25
10th Woo NMI 22 10th Signo VAN 22
11th Paik NMI 20 11th Bird SOL 20
12th Duseigneur SAM 0 12th Skilling FSM 0
Boy’s 14 Singles Name Country Points Girl’s 14 Singles Name Country Points
1st Mainguy VAN 150 1st Guitton TAH 150
2nd Osmont TAH 100 2nd Tan NMI 100
3rd Schorr NMI 75 3rd Lamorelle TAH 75
4th Song NMI 60 4th Miyawaki NMI 60
5th Guines TAH 45 5th Sakano NMI 45
6th Pavitt SAM 40 6th Molballeh VAN 40
7th Hannam VAN 35 7th Spiti VAN 35
8th Ioera KIR 30 8th Mwang KIR 30
9th William FSM 25 9th Christman ASA 25
10th Moliti TUV 22 10th M.Miller ASA 22
11th Tudela NMI 20 11th Au SOL 20
12th JQ Lim ASA 0 12th Ledua ASA 0
Boy’s 16 Singles Name Country Points Girl’s 16 Singles Name Country Points
1st Magalasin ASA 150 1st Lee NMI 150
2nd Benjamin SOL 100 2nd Rengiil PAL 100
3rd Taaroa TAH 75 3rd Rowe SOL 75
4th Laisan TAH 60 4th Teally SOL 60
5th H. Cronin SAM 45 5th Coffin FIJ 45
6th Vigas ASA 40 6th Kumar FIJ 40
7th Mani SOL 35 7th Heras NMI 35
8th Gadsden GUM 30 8th Saipele SAM 30
9th Caldwell GUM 25 9th M.Miller ASA 25
10th Zheng VAN 22 10th Usita-Lee GUM 22
11th Nillasca PAL 20 11th Tsukagoshi NMI 20
12th Chand FIJ 0 12th Palik FSM 0


2014: ITF/OTF Pacific Oceania Junior Championships – 2014 by Darran Wrighton

The POJC was the culmination of a circuit of Regional Events held in the Pacific in 2014.

The first of the circuits was hosted in the West Pacific (Fiji) during May; the circuit then moved up to the North Pacific (Guam) in July and finished in the East Pacific (American Samoa) in August. The ITF Development Officer for Pacific Oceania had the responsibility of being Referee for each of the Regional Championships assisted by the host nation officials. During the Regional Events over 180 players participated representing over 12 nations in the Pacific.

This year’s POJC was run at the Regional Tennis Centre in Lautoka, Fiji, the tournament was overseen for the first time in its history by an ITF White Badge Referee (Patrick O’Rourke from New Zealand) and this gave the event a whole new level of professionalism. Patrick was assisted by a team of local Tennis Fiji officials who are using the experience gained at the POJC in court supervision and chair umpiring to make a start on the Oceania Officiating Pathway that is being developed by the Oceania Tennis Federation.

The Championships was held over 10 days with over 70 competitors challenging each other in two separate events, the player’s results in both events would determine not only who were the Pacific Junior Champions in Singles and Doubles but the title of Regional Champions was up for contention again.

This year the event had an added element of competition with the Nations Leader board being introduced so that every country could find how they ranked in the Pacific.

The first event was played in round robin pools (three pools of four) followed by knockout draws for 1-4, 5-8 and 9-12 with placement ties. From the positions gained in the first event players were seeded and the second event was based on a more traditional knockout draw with placement matches.

This year the East Pacific were looking to retain their title from 2013, their team featured many winners of the East Pacific Regional Championships in each age group and their Regional Coaches from Tahiti managed to encourage an early rapport with the players challenging the other regions with a Hakka at the opening ceremony, this liveliness and vocal support for every team was to be a hallmark of the championships with every region barracking for their players throughout the whole event.

The standard of play was very high with some hotly contested matches. The event consisted of 3 age categories. 12 and under, 14 and under and 16 and under, this was a change from previous years and brought the age categories more in line with other international events held by the ITF.

Pacific Oceania Junior Champions for 2014

12 and Under Boys – Gillian Osmont (Tahiti) 12 and Under Girls – Naia Guitton (Tahiti) 14 and Under Boys – Larry Maglasan (American Samoa) 14 and Under Girls – Carol Lee (Northern Marianas Islands) 16 and Under Boys – Manoa Desvignes (Tahiti) 16 and Under Girls – Mulan Kamoe (Fiji)

The Nations leader board top 3 places were:

  1. Tahiti (East Pacific)
  2. American Samoa (East Pacific)
  3. Northern Marianas Islands (North Pacific)
  4. Fiji (West Pacific)
  5. Vanuatu (West Pacific)

The East was convincing in retaining the Regional Championships in 2014 this was bolstered by having Finalists in 4 Events.

The West and the North were quite close to each other after the final points tally but they have assured the East that they will have to fight harder to retain the title next year.


The ITF Pacific Oceania Junior Championships have begun at the Regional Tennis Centre in Lautoka, Fiji.

The draws can be accessed by clicking on the following Tournament Software Link: http://www.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/tournament.aspx?id=EE5E172B-4183-45E5-9D24-43C5A20B4775

Monday 12 August- Day 1 Results are as follows: POJC Results Day # 1 Monday 12 Aug 2013

Tuesday 13 August– Day 2 Results are as follows: POJC Results Day # 2 Tuesday 13 Aug 2013

Wednesday 14 August-Day 3 Results are as follows: POJC Results Day # 3 Wednesday 14 Aug 2013

Thursday 15 August: Day 4 Results are as follows: POJC Results Day # 4 Thursday 15 Aug 2013

Friday 16 August: Day 5 Results are as follows: Results Day 5 -POCJC

Final Placings: Final Placings-POCJC


The ITF Pacific Oceania Junior Championships (POJC) will be played in Lautoka, Fiji from 12th-16th August 2013. These events are open only to national teams selected from Pacific Oceania players. The PO Junior Championships is made up of regional teams from the 3 qualifying competitions plus a team from associate member nations (New Caledonia and Tahiti).

There are 3 qualifying competitions, one in each of the sub-regions.

  • West Pacific Qualifying       Fiji                  6th-10th May
  • North Pacific Qualifying     Guam            12th-16th June
  • East Pacific Qualifying        Samoa           5th-9th August

POCJC History and Guidelines
The Pacific Oceania Junior Championships (POJC)

In 1990 the first POCJC was held. To learn more about the history of this event and how this event is managed and organized click on the attached link entitled POJC Guidelines

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