Tennis Australia in conjunction with the Australian Government hosted a dinner on the 23rd of January in Melbourne, for its Asia Pacific counterparts in celebration of Women Leaders in Tennis and the Elite U14 Champions of the Pacific and Asia. Acknowledging that Tennis is a powerful platform for gender equality and the empowerment and upskilling of women and girls, the dinner presented itself with tennis leaders from the Australian Government, Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs – Tim Watts, Tourism and Major Events – Minister Dimopoulas, ITF President Mr. David Haggerty, Fiji Ambassador to Australia Mr. Ajay Bhat, represent of the Australian landowners Aunty Joe, OTF President – Mr. Cyrille Mainguy, OTF Vice-President, Bruce Osborne and delegates from the OTF and Asia Tennis and Asia Pacific Coaches, U14 players and participants of the Pacific Women Leaders in Tennis.
The dinner also comprised of a discussion panel which included ITF Level 2 Coach Abigail Apisah – Tere, Pacific Women Leaders in Tennis Program recipient Lusiana Vakere and Pacific Oceania and TA program participant Colita Hakena. The young women shared their experience and empowerment over the course of a year which empowered, upskilled and contributed to their growth and development both in their professional and personal lives.
The celebratory dinner acknowledged the PWLiT 2nd Year participants and also the efforts and growth of our AO Elite U14 players La Hunn Lam and Colita Hakena and the 16 players that were also present during this celebration.