OTF Holds 22nd AGM Virtually on Sunday 13th March 2022

The Oceania Tennis Federation (OTF) held it 22nd AGM virtually on Sunday 13th March 2022.This was the 3rd consecutive year that the AGM had been held virtually due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. There were 35 attendees including 5 from the International Tennis Federation (ITF):

  • David Haggerty -ITF President.
  • Luca Santilli- ITF Executive Director -Tennis Development.
  • James McGurran – ITF International Relations Manager.
  • Debbie Kirkwood – ITF Head Performance and Events.
  • Gary Purcell- ITF Development Officer, Pacific Oceania.
During the AGM the OTF Constitution was amended and this can be accessed here OTF Constitution – Approved AGM 13 March 2022. Also new Standing Orders were approved by the AGM Standing Orders -Approved OTF AGM -13th March 2022

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