Large OTF Contingent Attend ITF AGM in Portugal

9 OTF members from 7 OTF Member Nations recently attended the ITF Annual General Meeting in Porto, Portugal from 24th-27th September 2019. During the AGM the OTF held meetings with the ITF Development Team, the ITF Board and an OTF Regional Meeting.

Those attending from the OTF were:
President OTF – Cyrille Mainguy
Australia – Vicki Reid
Cook Islands – Davina Hosking
Guam – Torgun Smith
Kiribati – Ietimeti Baantarawa
New Zealand – Celia Patrick, Julie Paterson
Palau – Ernestine Rengiil
OTF Executive Officer (Joint) – David Smith

Also in Attendance were:
Geoff Pollard – Former President of the ITF and Tennis Australia
Mark Woodforde – ITF Board Member
Paul McNamee – ITC Club Observer

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