ITF Academy and Its Resources

Gary Purcell writes that “ITF Academy is the ITF’s online platform for education and coaching resources. 

To assist tennis coaches globally during this time of uncertainty, the ITF is making more resources on its ITF Academy platform available for free for the duration of this period.

ITF Academy features a wealth of resources that will benefit coaches, parents, teachers and anyone who wants to improve their own game. Hundreds of theory-led content pieces, including videos, articles and scientific research papers, are available on the ITF’s educational platform, enabling users to make tangible progress in their personal and professional development from home. 

Interactive online courses have also been added to the platform, with over 30 courses currently available. The courses cover a variety of subjects including: 

  • Introduction to Strategy & Tactics 
  • Ethics in Coaching
  • Goal setting
  • Tennis Parents 
  • And many more…

These courses act as part of the new blended learning style of completing coaching certifications with the ITF. Anyone wishing to attend coaching courses in the future will be required to have completed certain courses on this platform. These short courses take roughly 20 minutes and are great way of increasing your knowledge and expertise in the field of tennis coaching.

As it stands currently we in the Pacific have very few registered users, which is something I would like to increase dramatically in the coming months. I will be tracking the number of active users on a monthly basis and would like to report a steady increase in activity from our region. If any junior or volunteer coaches are working with you, please feel free to share their contacts with me and distribute the information in this email so that they can avail of these online resources also. Find below a link to the ITF Academy, where you can register for free and start learning and collecting certificates today.”

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