Colin Sinclair (NMI) Achieves His Highest World Ranking

Pacific Oceania’s #1 Davis Cup Player, Colin Sinclair (NMI), has had a stellar last 3 weeks which has seen his world ranking soar to a career high #729 on the 18th September due to outstanding results in the several ITF Futures Events in Belgium and more recently Tunisia. This is up from his year end ranking in 2017 of #1257

In the just completed Singles Final of the ITF Tunisia Futures 31, Colin lost the singles final 76(5), 76(4), to 2nd seen Gabriel Petit (FRA)’s-tournament/info.aspx?tournamentid=1100043420

The previous week he also lost the Singles Final of the ITF Belgium Future F10 to Michael Geerts (BEL) 63, 63’s-tournament/info.aspx?tournamentid=1100043491

The week before that he lost the Singles Final to top seed, Jan Choinski( GER) in another very close match 36,76, 63. he also lost the Doubles Final in this same tournament’s-tournament/info.aspx?tournamentid=1100043490

(Colin Sinclair pictured below with hat)


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