Pacific Oceania Junior Fed Cup Captain Writes…………………………..

Andrew Mailtorok, the RTC Head Coach and Junior Fed Cup Captain writes that “The Pacific Oceania Team won the Junior Fed Cup Pre-qualifying event in Malaysia beating Sri Lanka in the Final 3-0.

The team was seeded fourth amongst eight nations that competed. There were two pools of four teams and Pacific Oceania was in pool A with the number one seeded team Singapore.

The team ended up coming first in Pool A after a big upset of the tournament on the very first day defeating the number one seeded team Singapore 2-1.

The Pacific Oceania team defeated Iran in the Semi-Finals 3-0

Pacific Oceania played 15 matches altogether, losing 1 match and dropping only two sets in the tournament.


Pacific Oceania Junior Fed Cup Team left to Right: Ayana Rengiil (Palau), Tammy Ackerman (Northern Marianas Islands), Captain Andrew Mailtorok (Vanuatu), and Mulan Kamoe (Fiji)

I am really proud of the girls overall performance on and off the court and I am looking forward to seeing the girls in Australia. I know that the team is going to give 110%  and take one match at a time. The level is going to be very high but after an amazing result in Malaysia, I believe in the team spirit, confidence, and fight that we are going to accept the great challenge and try our very best.

The team will now head to Australia (Shepparton) from the 6th to the 14th of April 2015 for the Final Asian Qualifying.

I would like to thank ONOC and OTF for funding the trip and everyone else who supported the team!”



Posted in Junior News