Brian Tobin Passes Away

We received this message from the First President of the OTF, Geoff Pollard, also former President of Tennis Australia overnight.

“In case you have not already heard the sad news, our dear friend Brian Tobin AM passed away last night, aged 93.

Brian will always be remembered as the Tennis Australia President (1977 to 1989) who successfully moved the Australian Open from Kooyong to  Melbourne Park in 1988  and set the scene for me and the Presidents that followed to grow the Open to become an equal partner with our fellow Grand Slams.

Brian went on to become President of the International Tennis Federation (1991 to 1999) and was awarded the Order of Australia , the Olympic Order and was inducted into the Australian Tennis Hall of Fame,  the Sport Australia Hall of Fame and the International Tennis Hall of Fame. Brian is survived by his wife Carmen and sons Geoff and Alan.

I have heard from his son Geoff who writes that “we visited him on the night and he was very calm and peaceful. We had an overwhelming sense of relief for Brian who had been through a difficult period. Carmen is doing well and she sends her love. Please note it’s our intention to have a private Family Funeral and hope to have a Celebration of Brians life at a later date.”

Brian was born 1n Perth and represented Western Australia in the interstate junior championships (Linton Cup). As a player he was ranked in the top ten Australian men in the 1950’s and early 1960’s. In 1965 he was invited to represent Tasmania on the Lawn Tennis Association of Australia Council and became President in 1977. He spent a lifetime developing and promoting the game we all love. We have all lost a great friend.”

The ITF have posted this article on their website.

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