ITF Hosts JTI Co-Ordinator’s Call

The ITF hosted their 2nd JTI Coordinator’s Call on Tuesday 6th July. A pre-requisite for attending was to have completed the following 2 course available on the ITF Education Platform:
– Understanding the ITF Junior Tennis Initiative and
– Introduction to Safeguarding Children

The call was hosted by Gary Purcell, ITF Development Officer (Pacific Oceania) and Miguel Crespo (ITF Head of Participation and Coaching). The following attended from the Pacific Oceania Region:
– American Samoa -Florence Wasko
– Fiji – Richard Breen
– Guam – Dylan Jicha
– New Zealand – Jenny Fitzmaurice
– Papua New Guinea – Linda Paru
– Samoa – Yvonne Carruthers
– Samoa – Steffi Carruthers
– Vanuatu – Ian Honila
– Vanuatu – Cyrille Mainguy

Agenda topics for the call included action points from the 1st JTI Coordinators’ meeting held in February 2021, JTI subsidy and equipment shipments, reporting periods, new ITF Academy courses available and the new online reporting that is being piloted by Tennis Fiji. Following those updates, there was the opportunity for feedback from each Nation present on:
• What has been happening since our last call
• National COVID19 status updates
• School and club activity
• Competition and development sessions

Gary Purcell shared the links to the following ITF Academy courses
– JTI course
– Introduction to Safeguarding Children course
– Tennis Festivals

He stressed the importance of the JTI and Safeguarding courses for all JTI Coordinators and Assistant Coordinators. He also discussed the 3rd ITF World Participation Conference. This will take place virtually on Monday 12 July, Tuesday 13 July and Wednesday 14 July, daily from 1100-1330 (BST / GMT+1). As in previous two editions, the event will create a global conversation for increasing participation, in tennis and in sport more generally.
The Conference brings together leading international experts from their respective fields during an interactive virtual forum. They will be sharing their expertise and experiences related to this year’s conference theme “Innovating to drive participation in sport”. Hosted virtually for the first time, the 2021 edition will be open and will be made accessible to anyone wishing to attend.

He also mentioned that the following courses aimed at parents are also available for free from the ITF Education Platform and should be promoted amongst the tennis community in your nation.
– Parents Series Courses
– Parents of beginner tennis players: Fundamentals
– Parents of intermediate tennis players: Fundamentals
– Optimal Competition Parenting in Tennis
– Parents of intermediate tennis players: Player Development
– Parents of intermediate tennis players: Behaviours towards competition

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