Tahiti Tennis Federation Gain ITF Bronze Coaching Recognition

The Tahitian Tennis Federation have gained the ITF Bronze Coaching Recognition

In recognizing this achievement to the Tahitian Tennis Federation, Luca Santilli, the ITF Executive Director-Tennis Development said “I am writing regarding the ITF Recognition of Coach Education systems. As you know the ITF, in conjunction with its Coaches Commission, established criteria and minimum standards for Coach Education systems, which were adopted by the ITF Board of Directors. These criteria, along with the coaching competencies agreed for the different levels of Coach Education, were put together to ensure quality standards in Coach Education systems worldwide and to allow the Coach Education systems of ITF member nations to be assessed by the ITF.

I am pleased to inform you that based on the criteria, and after undertaking an extensive review of the documents provided by the Fédération Tahitienne de Tennis on your Coach Education system, the ITF recognises that all of the criteria established by the ITF Coaches Commission for the Bronze level recognition have been met and that the Fédération Tahitienne de Tennis has established a Coach Education system up to Bronze level (self-sufficient up to CBI level) that meets the quality standards set by the ITF.

As a result, the ITF agrees to formally recognise the Coach Education system of the Fédération Tahitienne de Tennis up to Bronze level for a four-year period until 31 December 2025.

The Fédération Tahitienne de Tennis now has the right to use the ITF coaching logo on their coach education material/resources including your coach license cards (up to Bronze level). I will ensure that a copy of this logo is sent to you as soon as possible. In addition, please find attached a Certificate of Recognition.

I want to take this opportunity to congratulate the Fédération Tahitienne de Tennis on having their Coach Education system approved up to Bronze level by the ITF.”

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