Pacific Oceania Davis Cup Team Promoted to Group III

The Pacific Oceania Davis Cup Team of Colin Sinclair (NMI), Matthew Stubbings (PNG) Heve Kelley (TAH), Brett Baudinet (CI) and captain Rob Krause (FIJ) have been promoted to Group III in 2020 following their decisive win 2-0 against the United Arab Emirates in the final Play-Offs yesterday in Amman, Jordan. Matthew Stubbings (PNG) got the Tie off to the perfect start beating Fahad Janahi 6-2, 6-1. Then unbeaten Colin Sinclair (NMI) won his decisive singles 7-5, 3-6, 6-2 to give Pacific Oceania and unassailable 2-0 lead with the Doubles not played.
The final standings were:

Promoted to Group III in 2020 – Pacific Oceania and Jordan
3rd Places – Oman and United Arab Emirates
5th Places- Saudi Arabia and Turkmenistan
7th Places- Iraq and Cambodia
9th Places- Guam and Bangladesh
11th Places-Kyrgyzstan and Bahrain

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