Pacific Oceania Fed Cup Team Make the Perfect Start in Bahrain

The Pacific Oceania Fed Cup Team under new Captain/Coach, Gilles de Gouy (TAH) have make the perfect start in their opening Match against Iran overnight in Pool Play. With the Pacific Oceania #1 player, Abigail Tere-Apisah(PNG), being rested, Captain Gilles de Gouy opted to play Carol Lee (NMI) and #1 and Steffi Carruthers (SAM) at #2.

Both won their Singles Matches 6-1,6-0 to take an unassailable 2-0 lead before the pairing of Abigail Tere-Apish/Steffi Carruthers beat their Iranian opponents 6-0,6-0 The Day’s Results can be accessed here Tuesday results FC Group II AO. Later on this evening Pacific Time Pacific Oceania play Oman in their 2nd Pool Match OP Wednesday

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