For 2 weeks from the 6th-17th November 2017, the Olympic Solidarity/ITF Coaching Beginners and Intermediate Players course was held in Lautoka, Fiji. There were 15 attendees from the Pacific and Australia:

  • Georjemah Row (Solomon Islands)
  • Junior Benjamin(Solomon Islands)
  • Vinda Teally(Solomon Islands)
  • Graham Mani(Solomon Islands)
  • Ruby Coffin(Fiji)
  • Vienna Kumar(Fiji)
  • Sumit Lal(Fiji)
  • Laisiasa Qioleru(Fiji)
  • Lemeki Ledua Veimateyaki(Fiji)
  • Alesi Molotii(Tuvalu)
  • Alemenia Auega(Tuvalu)
  • Yvonne Carruthers(Samoa)
  • Eddie Mera(Papua New Guinea)
  • Tito Bira(Kiribati)
  • Paul Owen(Australia)

Level 1 coaching course

The course Tutor, Kawaljeet Singh (India) writes that:

“Over the years, Pacific Oceania has benefited from Olympic Solidarity Tennis Courses. With this support coaches in this region have come a long way! Tennis Fiji along with NOC, organized OS/ITF CBI course at ITF’s Regional Training Centre at Lautoka from November 06 -17, 2017.

Fifteen coaches from the Pacific Nations of Solomon Islands, Tuvalu, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Kiribati, Fiji and one candidate from Australia took part in the intensive 12 day course. Course Tutor, Kawaljeet Singh from India along with Gary Purcell ITF Development Officer for Pacific Oceania and Roxanne Clarke, Director of the ITF House and Head Coach at the Regional Training Centre, shared their vast experience with coaches. The CBI course has 76.5 hours of tutor-candidate hours with 63.5 hours on court and 13 hours in lecture room presentations.

The first three days comprised of the ITF Play Tennis Course, aimed at developing mass participation of young kids and attracting adults to the game through fun and enjoyable activities on court. The CBI course which is based on the game based approach to teach tennis has technical/tactical/physical and mental development components aimed at beginners and intermediate players. The goal of the Play Tennis Course is to help make a coach competent to teach skills required in the early stage of player development, while the CBI course delves deeper into coaching principles for intermediate junior and adult players.

Course participants and ITF training centre players were also given a Yoga session with Yoga expert Jatinder Rai from New Zealand who was visiting Fiji during the course. Ms Maria Yvonne Carruthers of Samoa who was one of the senior coaches attending the course said “I have been teaching tennis for the last 20 years, It was very enjoyable and learning experience for me”.

Tennis Fiji Secretary Mr. Sachin Reddy was there every day with his support in organizing the course. Mr. Richard Breen, President Tennis Fiji visited the course a number of times with his valuable inputs in overseeing the smooth running of the course. The course candidates, who were housed at ITF House, enjoyed the warm hospitality of home-made meals by Auntie Filo with great support from ITF House Manager Donna.

The coaches in the region need continued education, and sincere efforts are being done by the ITF through, Development Officer visits to Island Nations with support from OS, ONOC and Tennis Fiji. On the concluding day Mr. Richard Breen expressed “Coaches education in the region will always be a priority in his list of development works”.

A big thank you to all the participant coaches for putting in great efforts during the course. It will be fantastic to see these coaches developing tennis and attending future courses to be held in this beautiful region. Bula!!!”

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