Pacific Oceania Fed Cup Team Crush Bahrain 3-0

Fed Cup Captain, Patrice Cotti, decided to rest his top 2 singles players and gave an opportunity to the other 2 members of the Fed Cup Team,Mayka Zima (TAH) and Ayana Rengiil (PAL) , to debutante in Singles against Bahrain, and they didn’t disappoint.

Playing the #2 Singles, Mayka Zima was first on court and beat Malak Jasim Fardan 60,60 in 34 minutes despite only a 44% 1st serve %.


Then in the #1 Singles, Ayana Rengiil, did likewise beating her Bahranian opponent, Nazli Nader Redha, 60,60 in 40 minutes.

Then they both paired in the doubles to beat Nazli Redha/Maram Sharif 60, 60 in 47 minutes. Full results Thursday results


Today (Friday) Pacific Oceania have a bye and will likely finish 3rd in Pool A Draw Standings. The Pool Results in Pool B are Draw Standings.

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