Vanuatu Tennis Signs an Historic Agreement with the Vanuatu Ministry of Education

On the 9th October the President of  the Vanuatu Tennis Federation, Cyrille Mainguy, signed an historic agreement with the Vanuatu Ministry of Education which will pave the way for the two parties to develop sports and tennis activities at the Port Vila Early Childhood Centre. The programme is aptly called Kindy Tennis and has been made possible with a financial grant from Tennis Australia.


Signing the Agreement, Education Minister Bob Loughman and Cyrille Mainguy

The focus of this programme is to enable Early Childhood teachers to facilitate mini tennis programmes with young children in similar facilities across Vanuatu. It is the intent for the Ministry of Education to select 5 schools (Central Kindy; Vila North; Sacre Coeur; Pikinini Playtime and Vila East) as part of this pilot programme over the next 5 months and then a subsequent further roll out to other schools.


The agreement was signed in the presence of Director-General, Jesse Dick; Director Roy Obed; ECE Coordinator Jennifer James and VTF SG Francis Bryard.



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